Selamat sejahtera...
Hari ni nak citer pasal ape?? Haa... nak citer pasal hati la.. Ape lagi. Hahaha
Meh sini nak buat confession kat diary ni... Tetiba sekarang ni i admired to someone ni.. Siapa??? Adelah... Hewhew
Ntah la.. adakah mungkin kerana utk mengubat duka? Ermm...x kot. Tapi, what can i tell u for now is, i admired him. He's good..okay la. Woot..wooot.... :D
But the important thing is, i'm not mention about love..i'm just saying that i admire him.. Suddenly, it came just like that. Hehehehehe
I don't want to hope for the next level..because i'm afraid that the same thing will happen again to me. Painful, hurt, sad....i hate those! =(
So for now, we were friend as usual.. nothing happen between us. Harap maklum. =)
Lastly, I ADMIRE HIM... that's all for now. TQ!
De confession and de real words that's come cross in mind which is disable to be speak out, I just drop it here. Do u mind? I don't mind.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
new .. old .. forget ..
new semester, new subjects, new students, new environment, new activities,
old friends, old me, old roommate, haha
entering new semester, deal with programs that i have to handle,
so i'm a bit busy this semester.
since i'm busy, so AT LEAST it gives me chance to FORGET EVERYTHING
FORGET EVERYTHING IN HERE, PUCHONG.. except my family laaaa. Huhu
Thursday, September 6, 2012
ada ke?
"adik rasa masih ade harapan x utk balik? .. rasa2 ? " - marlinda, 050912
"ntah la kak.. sedey nyer.." - me, 050912
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
It's make me so sad when u said to me that u were crying, u were sad.. It's hurt me to hear your sad voice.. You, please don't cry.. If u cry, i will cry too.. Hmmmmmm
YOU, it's okay for me to cry..but it's not okay if u cry. Just let me the one who crying for all this things..for what had happened. Just let me! I don't want u to cry. Pleaseeee.. ='(
YOU, u said "why all this happen to us???!!"
i don't know, but He knows everything
YOU, i know it's my fault that cause u to cry, to be sad, feel guilty.. i'm sorry! It's not your fault, don't blame urself..i'm the one who should be blame. I'M SO SORRY
YOU, what can i do?
all i can do is watching u from far, pray for u, pray for me.. how sad i am.. ='(
but it's ok, don't worry about me..
YOU, i'm sorry....just put blame on me. Not u.
Monday, September 3, 2012
some advises for u
kepada kamu si bertuah diri :
1. please do take care of him as much as u can
2. do not break his heart
3. do not take advantage on him for his kindness
4. do not let him be sad
5. do not let him be lonely
6. please do make him happy, happiest person in the world
7. please stay by his side no matter what happen to him..unless he break your heart
8. please love him as much as he love u or more
9. please do stop him from smoking..not good for his health
10. if you break his heart, make him sad, u watch out girl ..
1. he's loyal
2. he's so caring about the one he loves
3. he can do anything to make u happy
4. he such a good man
ouch, suddenly it reminds me about our past memories when we were couple..hukhuk
Hokay lah... i wish happiness for both of u. Do remember what i said.. Don't break his heart. Don't leave him just like what his previous one did to him..
tahniah la
kepada pasangan bahagia yg baru:
dia tu memang setia..aku kamu xyah risau psl dia cari lain..
maka, impian future korang utk bersatu tu akan menjadi..i.allah
walaupon aku ade terasa sedikit sedey & patah hati,
orang yg aku harapkan dlm hati da pergi,
tapi nk wat cane..tu jodoh kamu.
pilihan kamu.
aku kene terima dgn redha.
Friday, August 31, 2012
dah dah la..
psssstt....pssstt... meh la sini. Dengar la ape kite nak cakap ni..
ade sesuatu yang kite nak cakap..penting sgt! Tapi xtaw nak luah macam mana.. hurmm.
setelah diteliti, diperlihatkan oleh gerak-gerinya, bahasanya, sekarang kite tahu.
cane kite nak cakap ni ek?? alamak...tolong la jangan nak susah nk ckp sgt.
macam ni lah...kepada kamu, walaupun kamu xtahu, atau buat2 xtahu, terpulanglah. Kamu da guriskan hati saya..ya! walaupun kamu x sedar.
kite tunggu awak jugak..tapi kamu da pergi, knp kamu xbleh nk tunggu kite?? tapi xpe. Kite sedar.
itu pilihan kamu..
only this..what can i say is..
ingat, tolong jgn simpan benda yg da lepas dlm genggaman kamu jika kamu mahu hidup dgn yg lain..jgn bagi harapan..
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
get rid of it..even though.....
Sekarang, macam da xde makna lagi da untuk aku mempunyai perasaan sebegitu terhadap orang2 tu..
Nak taw sebab ape?? hurm..kejap. Bagi aku fikir.. Ntah la.
Probably because of :
1. Berhenti berharap
2. Ditolak
3. Tawar hati
4. Penat rasa kecewa, sakit hati
5. Penat menangis
6. Hilang kepercayaan pada orang2 yg pernah sakitkan hati ni
I'm not alone.. Allah is always with me.
i'm not a strong & tough girl..
it's not easy to make others happy..
while i'm trying to make them happy, is there anybody can come out to brighten my day, my life??
No..nobody. When i'm falling down, when i break into pieces,
where have they been??
why do they let me fall down without helping me out??
nobody knows.. they only know how to spread bad perception..
how come a friend could stabbed back on her/his friend without any guilty??
how cruel she is?? how cruel he is??
well .....
now i know..all of them are meaningless
only then, Allah.. family.. But, Allah always know.
"ya Allah, berikanlah kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan padaku.
aku tahu segala ape yg terjadi, adalah kehendak-Mu utk aku sentiasa ingt pada-Mu..
Aku redha, sabar, menerima apa saja yg Kau beri"
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 ku rasa ek?
Saya tak tahu nak cakap apa.. Now, pe yang saya rasa ialah ..
Dah kenapa kau ni ema oi ??!!
Bila da banyak kali ditolak, kadang2 nak cuba hidup baru, rasa takut pon ada..nak luah pon da takut. Takut sebab apa?? Sebab mungkin kita akan mendapat respon yg sama macam sebelum2 ni.. Pedih, sakit, dah tak tahu nak rasa apa dah..
Ade orang berkata sebegini,
" Takut nak dekat dgn ema..." Kenapa? Sebab saya susah nak terima orang? Camtu?
Random fact about me :
1. Susah nak suka kat seseorang (lelaki ek, not perempuan)
2. Bila da susah nak suka, mestilah lagi susah nak sayang, nak cinta.
3. Bila saya da betul2 suka + sayang, i will love him..
Ade orang berkata lagi :
" ema banyak scandal la.. banyak boyfriend.. bla bla bla.." Dah kenapa korg ni?
Random fact about me :
1. Dalam kes korg kata saya byk boyfriend, most of them yg let me go. Not me.
i'm not saying that i'm the good one, i know i'm not a very nice girl,
but i know i just be the best that i can be,
i just be me,
i try to be nice and good to them..
But, they left me.... ade hikmah. It's ok
ok2, pendek2 dah la.. Da lama x bukak buku diari secara online ni. Hehe.. Da berabuk da.. Pergh! Eh, tak nak la merepek malam2 ni lagi. Itu jela nak luah untuk malam ni sebagai pembuka bicara luahan utk sekian lama x bukak.. Dah2....
random fact about me : (ni last and currently)
SAYA XDE SAPE2 SEKARANG NI...(in term of someone special)
jadi sesape tu henti2 kan la berkata-kata yg saya ni ade boyfriend ke, scandal ke, eh pls la !!
ok bye
Sunday, May 13, 2012
so long i left this space since my last entry ..
today, i don't want to talk much bout it. What i can say is ...
i can only show off the fake smile, fake happy-face in front of others. But inside me, i'm so sad.. i miss him.. ='(
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Thursday Wisdom #2
salam ...
What i can think about something for tonight is ........................... ?????
down here please.

i do love u until now..i know, if u are not mine..
i still happy because u loved me once..
i wish u are still love me even both of us are not confess & admit it.
just keep praying to Allah....He knows best. =)
Monday, March 12, 2012
my silent voice
i still love you ... actually ...
Just like what i said in my CD that i gave to u long time ago ...
I do love you, but i scared. U know why ?? Because i know, maybe it's not like that from u ..
Hmmm ... I just can keep silent my deep feelings, or maybe just buried it ..
Every time u ask me, every time i will say "NO..I'M NOT".
What can i do ?? Only by answering that ..
Ya, it will hurt me a lot without telling the truth ..
Either telling the truth or not , the hurt u'll get is the same ..
unless u will get the good feedback, just like u want. =)
It's kind of complicated feelings that i felt. But, i don't want to think bout that.. The more i think, the more i will sad .. because of the fear ..
So, just keep silent & follow the flow of the time .. if u & him is made for each other, he will be yours .. keep praying .. =)
If not , u have to accept the Qada' n Qadar Allah . He knows the best for u ..
Just keep praying for the good ones..
"i wish u could be mine.....miss u"
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
akhirnya di sini...
Ok, aku da sampai HOTEL MAWAR a.k.a KOLEJ MAWAR pada pukul 10 malam tadi.
Now da abes kemas2 sume dah. Fuhhhh !
I fikir my new roomate da balik kolej, but then she's not here yet. Haha.. i thought i'm the one who the latest coming back. =D
Baru nak wat sesi suai kenal .. muahahaha ! Xpolah .. esok la tu kot .
k la, nak tido..esok kelas awal 8.30 pagi.
Selamat malam !!

p/s : to my dear 'he',,tq so much for u kindness sent me back to college.. ^ - ^
Saturday, March 3, 2012
back to school yaw!
ayuh kembali ke sekolah.. cuti sekolah da abes.. alaaaaa
(ooiit, x cukup2 lagi ke?)
Yela2......sambung belajar balik. I wish this semester will be better than previous semester.. Aminnnn.. =)
Ya Allah, please makes me strong enough to handle everything.
Amin .....
Jom nyanyi ramai2 :
"ayuh kembali ke sekolah...ayuh!"
"ayuh kembali ke sekolah...ayuhhhhhh!"
Ok, salam.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sheepdog ?
Today's entry tetiba nak cakap pasal 1 species anjing ni..
ahah ...
Ape motif aku tetiba nak wat entry pasal ni ?? Haha .. since cuti ni aku asik tengok
ANIMAL PLANET CHANNEL kan, so ade la citer pasal anjing ni .
Cer korang tengok anjing ni ... pernah nampak di mana2 ? di tv ? haha
Kalau anjing ni tengah kecik lagi, nampak la mcm normal .. bese jer .. comel .. bulu lebat ..
macam gambar bawah ni,

(leh plak anjing ni senget2 kepala....comel la tu... konon.. haha)
Now, bila da besar ............
makin besar saiz tubuh, makin lebat bulu, makin panjang, makin mengurai,
hambek kau !
mata dia pon ditutupi oleh bulunya yg panjanggggg...
cer tengok....cer tengok bawah ni.. Acaner tu agak2 dia melihat? hehe.. Nak taw x ?
Ok, hanya dia yg taw... saya x taw. Muahahaha !!

aritu tengok animal planet tu, lupo lak cano dia terang kan how this dog use its sight.
hehehehehe ...
yang penting, saya curious ... Hurmmmmm ......
(penat la pikir)
K la, roger n out !
Tak cukup lagi ke? Haha
salam ...
Ape ??
Cuti sem da nak abes ?? Alorhhhh ......
Baru nak berfoya-foya dkt rumah. Hahahaha !
Ngok ngek !
(x cukup ke cuti sebulan lebey kau tu?)
muahaha !! =P
Mula la kebizian (busy) yang amat busy nanti. Haih .....
Thursday, February 23, 2012
just for mama .. Happy Birthday!
since today, 23rd February 2012, is my Mama's birthday..
She already 52 years old.
so, not much .. i want to dedicate that song to her.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
mana 1 ni ?
Which one ??
( i mean birthday present for her)
SAVE MONEY .. because .... i don't have much until i get the loan ..
if i use it, big probability i will have very2 least money
for my spending along the semester
before the PTPTN's..
aisshhhh .... !
USE IT FOR A PRESENT .. she really2 want that kind of present ..
hurmmmm .. should i buy or shouldn't i ??
or should i buy another present ??
aisshhhh .... !
Monday, February 20, 2012
sad .. again ?
suddenly i want to confess something here ..
it is really2 make me sad, or quite sad when u are closed enough with someone, but then he thinking of someone else ..
whenever i ask him, is he like or admire someone else ?
he keep saying NOP !
Hurmmmm ... i don't know . I'M SAD RIGHT NOW !!
( - _ - )
Well, what can i do ?
I only can pretend that i'm ok on the outside .. while the truth is ..
don't u get it ??? Hmm ... :'(
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Ketakutan + kesedihan
See..i told u !
I was scared if I told u that. I know maybe I couldn't get the same from U.. Because u don't open your heart for me when i already opened it for u.
Now, i cry a lot.. Huhu. I wish one day u could open your heart for me. Hmm..
Monday, January 30, 2012
bosan nyer..
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
my last man ..
apa impian saya ? dari segi pasangan hidup ..
I wish i could find one that will be the last man in my life.
Ya, sekarang ni saya memang sayang seseorang . Tapi saya x tahu apa ending kami .
I do love whenever the time we were together .
U, i hope u will be my last man in my life .. It's not easy for me to find love & love someone .
I'm not like u ..
Once i loved u, until now, it's not easy to discard all of the feeling. I do love u till now ..
Could u hear me ?
Can u know what is in the deep of my heart ?
I wish u know .
U know me very well, i'm not easy to express my feeling .. The truth now is, I LOVE U.
I hope, we were together just like the picture below this :

and then, we will become like this one day . I wish dear . I will be the happiest person in the world . =)
We'll become 1 .. I wish .

that would be nice. Isn't it ? I guess ..
Love u ..
if u are not for me, please go away.
not fair
Adakah yang kaya hanya akan dapat pasangan yang kaya sahaja?
High class people only will find people that same with it true?
So, yang miskin hanya akan dapat pasangan yang miskin jugak ke?? Is it fair?
NO! Hm.. The thing is, i don't like a group of people who look down on the others who have lower class or middle class of live. It so cruel.
What if u love someone, but then u get push away just like that from his/her rich family?? Then, ur bf/gf will follow their family wish to let u go & choose another girl. Just because u r from low class of people.
Not fair.
Ok bye!
the truth & my hope
What i want to say here is, the truth.. I can't lie my heart..
The thing is ....
just like before.. Oh! No! It can't be!
because i don't want to get any hurt from u.
Ya Allah, please show the real one. If he was not born for me, please get him away from me.
Far far away. PLEASE ! Make me forget everything about him. Hmmm..
Ya Allah, if he really2 my soul mate 1 day, my destiny, please keep our relationship long lasting
until we become 1.. Please make him be a nice guy ever to me.
Please make him love me just like as many as i love him.
If he's not for me, please get rid of him from my life !!
The truth now is, I DO LIKE & LOVE U..
i wish u could know it. Hmm.
keep praying.. Amin.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Assalamualaikum w.b.t ......
apolah hai dok update velog tyme2 magerib ni. hadoyaii .. Xpola. Terasa nak hupdate.
Suka hati saya larh ! (uishh, marah betol mak cik sorang ni)
Mane mak cik x marah, x penah2 plak mak cik kena benda ni dari diploma dulu.
Aduhh, apakah ini ?!!!
Tension betol mak cik. Bleh plak tyme2 coti minggu exam ni pak guard nak saman samon.
Ergh,,,,derrr .
(Oppss, no more pak guard. POLIS BANTUAN. Eh, POLIS sudah)

See, habes melayang RM50 aku. Haih.. Macam ikan ape !! hahaha..
dlm b.i nyer, what the fish. =P
Terok betul bila da masok degree ni. Hancur reputasi ku. Da la aritu kena TATATERTIB.
Kau hadow? hahaha.. Tapi seb baek dikecualikan dari tuduhan.
Wahh .. Alhamdulillah. *big grin*
p/s to pak guard : "Memang la kereta mak cik ni takdo sticker UiTM. Mama mak cik punyo keto la. Hadoi.. "
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