i have a dream. everyone has its own dreams.
when i entered a new stage of my life here in shah alam, i really want to be part of 'it'.
it seems interesting, best..at my 1st thought.
i wish i can be part of 'it'.
for real..
But, lately it turns out badly. Different feel, thought .. i don't know.
Keep busy with 'it' , with the other things ,
yaa..i'm happy with 'it' ..
Unfortunately, behind that , i can't take 'it'.
Sometimes, i feel burdened . I'm not strong enough to handle it.
Maybe it is time to let 'it' go. Hm ..

Dilemma. So hard to make decision. I want 'it' , but i don't think i can take 'it' with me after this.
Because ??
What happened to me now , makes me DISAPPOINTED WITH MY OWN SELF .. !!!
i couldn't handle myself properly because of it .
hmm .. = ' (
tired enough .
Ya Allah, i hope this decision is the best for me. For my own sake. Aminn .. :(
even though i want 'it' , be part of 'it' ..
but i don't want the effect of it happen twice to me again.

just like what i said :
" for my own sake .. sacrifice it "
p/s : i wish i can tell this to 'someone' with the hoping of good response. Hm. :(
i'm sorry.
i can't .