there is nothing much i can say . speechless . wordless .
sadness . heartbroken .
so much hurt that i get .
please .. stop it . enough la . don't play with my little heart !
i'm so tired carrying this painful inside ..
i'm just a normal human being .
sometimes we dare to take risks even though we know that we'll get pain from it .
i'm not strong enough to handle this alone .
how could u do this to me ? why ?
u are mean . cruel .
i do look okay outside .. but u don't know the truth lies inside of me .
ya, u think that i'm fine . can haha here, haha there with me .
But , i'm not happy as u thought .

Now, sangat2 la sakit hati , kecewa , sedih sangat !
From now on, memang saya xnk tegur awak . Seriously .
Saya xnk tengok awak lagi !!!
Saya biarkan awak dgn hidup awak yg penuh masalah tu .
Don't ever try to find me whenever u facing probs .
I mean it !!
u make me cry .. so many times .. i hate u !!
Go away !!
i wish there is someone who could make me happy .
please .
i just wana be happy .
( - _ - )