Wednesday, August 24, 2011




da macam putus cinta je gambar atas2 tu..haha. Ne ade. bukan putus cinta. Pakwe pon xde. Haa. Pening ouh fikir pasal duit.. duit belanja utk aku sambung blaja nanti. Conclusion yang aku dapat, sem baru nnt msti kena pkai duit sendiri dulu. If dapat biasiswa pon, akhir2 baru dpt. Bak kata kawan aku la... If dapat cepat lagi bagos! Hmm.. Xkan nk harapkan duit mama jer. Cian mama. Mama pon banyak benda laen nk bayar. Hm.. Duit gaji aku pon akan abes b4 abes sem. Cano? Haihh..fikir2..

i miss my sayangs..


i miss my sayangs.. down here it's him.. who is he???
cute x kami? hahaha. pasan jer. =D

This pic was taken on the dinner night last Sunday @ UiTM Melaka.. I was happy since we could meet at last! Penat tggu masa bila la nk jumpa.. Hehe. Akhirnya. Alhamdulillah.. (^_^)

We had a long conversation on that night..n even in the midnight. Calling each other sampai abes kredit aku. Hahaha! Den dia plak call..borak punya borak, tup2, kredit dia pon abes. =D

"Dear, gudluck in ur study kae!"
Lurf ya..miss ya!
p/s : jgn lupa apply fast track taw..leh jumpa nnt. Hee.