Please choose?? What things i wana choose??
Haaa..let me tell bout it.
Okae.. Normally for de last semester student, we will have 2 register n choose new course for our degree session later.
What course come in my mind?? 1,2,3??
This are de choices of courses that come across in my mind fer the degree:
1. Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Statistics
2. Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Management Mathematics
3. Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Science.
Now, i wana push away actuarial science bcoz it has ASC subjects..i'm not interested. Then, just 2 i wana choose..either statistics or management math.
If there have 2 choices that i can make, so i choose both..1st come is statistics. 2nd will be de management math.
But still, in thinking of it.. Mana 1?? Aigoo.. =D