Sekarang, macam da xde makna lagi da untuk aku mempunyai perasaan sebegitu terhadap orang2 tu..
Nak taw sebab ape?? hurm..kejap. Bagi aku fikir.. Ntah la.
Probably because of :
1. Berhenti berharap
2. Ditolak
3. Tawar hati
4. Penat rasa kecewa, sakit hati
5. Penat menangis
6. Hilang kepercayaan pada orang2 yg pernah sakitkan hati ni
I'm not alone.. Allah is always with me.
i'm not a strong & tough girl..
it's not easy to make others happy..
while i'm trying to make them happy, is there anybody can come out to brighten my day, my life??
No..nobody. When i'm falling down, when i break into pieces,
where have they been??
why do they let me fall down without helping me out??
nobody knows.. they only know how to spread bad perception..
how come a friend could stabbed back on her/his friend without any guilty??
how cruel she is?? how cruel he is??
well .....
now i know..all of them are meaningless
only then, Allah.. family.. But, Allah always know.
"ya Allah, berikanlah kebahagiaan dan kegembiraan padaku.
aku tahu segala ape yg terjadi, adalah kehendak-Mu utk aku sentiasa ingt pada-Mu..
Aku redha, sabar, menerima apa saja yg Kau beri"