Friday, December 30, 2011

durian oh durian ..

Selamat pagi malaysia ! Selamat pagi dunia ! Selamat pagi cinta ! Ooppss..cinta??
Salam sejahtera .. salam 1 malaysia . Hahaha ..

Ok, jom kita mulakan .....

Dalam banyak2 buah, buah ape yang menjadi raja segala buah ??
"Raja buah" la..derrr!
Salah la weyh! Kau ni...budak sekolah rendah pon taw kot.
DURIAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN .... !!!!! feberet.(baru btol anak malaysia)

Durian is buah tempatan, kalau ade anak malaysia yg x mkn durian, ish! Rugi ouh ! Sebab, durian is so yummmmyyy..wee~~ SEDAP! Aishhh.. =D

Al-kisahnya seminggu sebelum mulanya STUDY WEEK, aku x tahu la kenapa la tetiba perut ku, tekak ku, mengidam-idamkan DURIAN... Pelik je. ??? HAha. Dalam seminggu tu memang dok terbayang kan durian jelah. " Oh, durian...bila la dapat makan buah durian ni? Hurmmmm ... Waaaaa, nak durian!! " Cenggitu la citernye.

So, hari sabtu aku balik puchong. Still dok mengidam buah durian..(da macam orang pregnant la plak. Derrr.. =.=" ) Sibuk dok cakap kat mama yg aku nak makan durian.
Aku : Mama, adik teringin giler nak makan durian. Da lama x mkn. Huhuhu..
Mama : Durian?? Emm..sekarang durian x byk la kat sini.
Aku : Siyez ni, tiba2 teringat durian yg jual kt depan pintu masok Carefour. Haha!
Mama : Ntah, tengok la nanti cane..durian mahal.
Aku : Emmm .. =.="

Then, pada malam sabtu itu, aku pergi ke rumah makcik ku. Turun je dari kereta, tetiba!! Ohhh..harumnya, macam ku kenal bau itu. Bau DURIAN!!!!!! Tapi, ku xtahu betul ke x, or hannya imaginasi ku. Huhu...ok, sedeyh. Baru je 10 minit masok ke rumah my makcik, then my makcik lagi satu, rumah bersebelahan, panggil dtg.
Utk ape?? ade ape??

Jeng...jeng...jeng..... hahaha! (xyah nak jeng3x sangat la!) "eh, suka hati aku la"
I can't believe it! I came to her house..and then, rupanya ade BUAH DURIAN 1 BAKUL!!!
WOoooohoooo !!!!!!
Aku pon menjerit macam org giler..(tapi dalam hati saja la) hahaha. Ya Allah, akhirnya aku dapat jugak makan durian. ALhamdulillah .. Wee ~~
Mula la kami beramai-ramai berkumpul, dan membuat mesyuarat dapur. haha. Makan durian!

Makan punya makan punya makan sampai x hingat dunia, naaahhh! Amek kau ! Satu bakul aku n mereka2 makan durian. Hohohohoho.

Bila makan x hingat dunia, kesannya terhadap perut ku is PEDIH! HAHAHA. sAPE Soh mkn sampai x ingat, u deserved it! Ok, cian. (xyah nak cian sgt la)

x kesah la, ape aku pedulik..janji aku da dapat makan DURIANNNN .. !! nGEee =P


Friday, December 23, 2011

ceritera ku di court.

1st time aku kena naik court TATATERTIB .. !! Kau hadooww? hahahaha.. Apasal nak excited sangat kena naik court ni ?? Erghh.. Not good u know ! Cess~

Tengok jela gambor2.. malas nak taip panjang2. Hahaha

"Erma Aida bt Juhari .. U ARE FREE FROM ANY CHARGES .. "
what?? Yeayyyyyyyy !!!!! Hehehe.. alhamdulillah sangat2. =)

Ok, kini aku bebas..x risau da. Weeee~~

k bye!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Most important, FAMILY will stay forever .. = )

money come and go ..
people come and go ..
friends come and go ..
bf come and go ..
gf come and go ..

TRUE FRIENDS come and stay with us no matter what the condition is ..

It's not easy to get TRUE FRIENDS around us ..
When u found one, do appreciate her/him .. Don't ever loose 'em ..
TRUE FRIENDS will bright up ur life, put on more colors to ur life ..

Just like RAINBOW .
When the sky is clear after raining , on the certain spot , u can see the rainbows .
Amazing .. beautiful .. happy whoever see it .
It's not easy for us to get the chances to see the rainbows .. But, its always there ..

So do with the TRUE FRIENDS .

thank you for being my true friend,
please don't loose our friendship that we made.
( ^ _ ^ )

Monday, December 12, 2011

Aktitviti 3 : MPG

Date : 11 December 2011
Venue : De Palma Hotel, Shah Alam

This is my last involvement for this semester. Next semester laen la plak kan.. Hee
Malam Pra Graduan..

Saya under biro pendaftaran. Di atas ni team saya.. Sekali lagi, saya bekerja dengan dia.
Dia, Syed Mohammad Hafiz.. hahaha. =.="
dia ketua kami. = )
(owg soh senyum, dia wat muka ketat plak. Ceyh)

BESAARRRRR GILERRRRR !!! kan... besar sgt bebear sebelah saya ni. Hadiah utk cabutan bertuah. Best la sape yg dapat hadiah ni malam tu.
Tahniah2... hehe

Ni adik saya.. Haa. X caye? Muka kami kan sama sket. Saya kakak dia. = )
Dia ni tolong saya sket time pendaftaran. mekaceh adik ..

3 dara pingitan. Muahaha! Saje je dok posing2 .. xdo kojo betul. Hahaha.
Macam tangga kan ? =.="
Tinggi , rendah sket , paling rendah.. Derr~

Sesi makan !!! Kesiann .. mereka2 ni lapar giler. Dapat makan time abes event.
Sumer kebuluq da tue. Saya dapat makan time event berjalan.
Dok kat meja sponsor.. Ngeeee~

Kenangan di malam pra graduan. X banyak gambar la..x sempat. Huhu.
Anyway, thanks guys.
Sweet memory . . = )

p/s : x dapat nak bergambar dengan 'someone' tu berdua. Hm. = (

k bye!!

Aktitviti 2 : Dress To Impress

Date : 1 December 2011
Venue : Dewan Al-Ghazali, FSKM

Kali ni event fakulti pulak. I'm part of it. Under SMF FSKM .. huhuhu.
Dress to Impress : The Fashion Show ..
Professionalism in Style ..

wahh... kelas gitu nama event ni. Hehehe = D
As usual, xmo explain panjang lebar.

I'm the MC of the day .. Jejaka yg segak bergaya tampan disebelah sy ni, my pair.
Namo eh Syed Mohammad Hafiz .. =.="
(masing2 xnk pandang kamera..ceyh!)

Yg ni plak ketua projek saya .. Ada gaya x? hehehe.. Kak nisa. a.k.a nisa.
Apelah... O_o

Ni pair MC asal sy.. Syahir. Tapi x jadi.. Kak nisa x bagi. Hahaha.. Xpo la haii.

Lee Chong WEi in da house yaww! Haa.. Dia ni Syafiq.
Technician pada malam kejadian. :)

Orang kuat utk backdrop stage .. Haa, santek taw stage kami even simple.
Nice .. !!

Si abg cameraman dari sidang redaksi. Mekaceh!

Best Dress utk lelaki ...

Best Dress utk perempuan.. Giler tinggi dia ni. Kalah aku weyh.

Walaupun last minute preparation, it is still the best! We made it.. ^ _ ^
K bye!!

Aktitviti 1 : Broga Hill

Date : 28 November 2011
Venue : Broga Hill

Xnk cerita panjang2 lebar. Pendek2 sudah. Haa.. Al sebabnya ialah, malas nak taip.
Hehehe. = D
Baru sekarang nak buat entry pasal broga kan..padahal da lama pergi tempat tu. Maaf, busy.
(busy la sangat kan)

Sudah2...tengok gambar jela ek. Malas nak explain. = )

ade buaian. Sonok giler naik.. Aku je yg dok conquer kat situ. Muahaha!

Ni sahaja jejaka yg join ketika kejadian.

Da sampai kat atas.. Tapi belum puncak lagi. SAt naaa...

Bayangkan betapa adventure nye sampai aku kena panjat batu besar gedabak tu.
Luka sikit tangan aku. Hukhuk..

Yeay!! Finally... di puncak bukit broga la weyh.. hahaha. Penat la konon kan.
Tapi mmg penat. :)

Ok, da turun da..pose la sikit kat batu ni. Dibelakangi dengan pemandangan yg santek + hijau mata memandang. Haa..

Till then, k bye!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

for my own sake..sacrifice it.

i have a dream. everyone has its own dreams.

when i entered a new stage of my life here in shah alam, i really want to be part of 'it'.
it seems interesting, my 1st thought.
i wish i can be part of 'it'.
for real..

But, lately it turns out badly. Different feel, thought .. i don't know.
Keep busy with 'it' , with the other things ,
yaa..i'm happy with 'it' ..

Unfortunately, behind that , i can't take 'it'.
Sometimes, i feel burdened . I'm not strong enough to handle it.
Maybe it is time to let 'it' go. Hm ..

Dilemma. So hard to make decision. I want 'it' , but i don't think i can take 'it' with me after this.
Because ??
What happened to me now , makes me DISAPPOINTED WITH MY OWN SELF .. !!!
i couldn't handle myself properly because of it .
hmm .. = ' (

tired enough .

Ya Allah, i hope this decision is the best for me. For my own sake. Aminn .. :(
even though i want 'it' , be part of 'it' ..
but i don't want the effect of it happen twice to me again.

just like what i said :
" for my own sake .. sacrifice it "

p/s : i wish i can tell this to 'someone' with the hoping of good response. Hm. :(
i'm sorry.
i can't .

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

stop it!



Monday, November 28, 2011

Don't be.


gelak ketawa,
seems ok & fine,
seronok je ..
hahahaha .. =D


i'm not ok,
empty in a spot ..

( da terlepas 2 peluang )
hmm .. : (

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rindu? i hate it.

it just came out suddenly ..
when i'm alone ,
sometimes it makes me to think bout u .

tomorrow & tomorrow & tomorrow ..
far & far & far away ..
and u disappeared just like that .

no ! not u .
i'm the one who make myself disappeared .

i do miss u

i wish u were here .. with me .
but , it can't be .
how sad , isn' it ??

don't worry bout me. now, it's all yours ..
i wish i could turn back the time .
but it is impossible .

if it could be , i don't want to make the same mistakes

i admit that. now i hate u so much.
when the time is come ,
i do miss u.
but i hate u.

i'm not talking bout u .
or u ..
neither u nor u ..
it's all bout him .
not he , or he , or he .
it's him .

i hate to admit that sometimes i really missing u.
ouh ! let it go .
just stay the way i am rite now .

Thursday, November 24, 2011

busy bebenor ..

Penat la saya dari minggu lepas ..

Penat + busy + pening + masalah

training sukan untuk SAF lagi .

Meeting sana sini .

Aiyoo .. Yang penting, badan ni haa penat da .
Mata plak da macam MATA PANDA .

Ade je kerja nak kena buat sehingga buatkan aku kurang tido .

Test + quiz + project

Cess ~

Tapi elok gak busy2 ni ..

Woott .. woott .. Da x cantik da mata ni .
Hehe .. Jadi burung hantu camni .. O.o

Hahahaha .. Bye !

aku lagi yg kena?

kenapa aku ?
ape aku da buat ?
i do nothing ok !!

why i've been treated like this ?
i know nothing .. suddenly u wana put blame on me ?
come on la ..
penat la macam ni .

saya da la banyak masalah , tambah plak masalah baru yg masih panas lagi .
Now awak plak nak tambah kan lagi beban kt saya ??
Please la . Kalau marah , cakap la terus terang . Apa yg wat awak x puas aty .
Tolong la !

Jangan la senyap je . Hm ..
Ish ! Semua sama je perangai .
Macam ape jer. Adoiiii .... !!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

hurt .. again

there is nothing much i can say . speechless . wordless .
sadness . heartbroken .
so much hurt that i get .

please .. stop it . enough la . don't play with my little heart !
i'm so tired carrying this painful inside ..
i'm just a normal human being .
sometimes we dare to take risks even though we know that we'll get pain from it .

i'm not strong enough to handle this alone .
how could u do this to me ? why ?
u are mean . cruel .

i do look okay outside .. but u don't know the truth lies inside of me .
ya, u think that i'm fine . can haha here, haha there with me .
But , i'm not happy as u thought .

Now, sangat2 la sakit hati , kecewa , sedih sangat !
From now on, memang saya xnk tegur awak . Seriously .
Saya xnk tengok awak lagi !!!

Saya biarkan awak dgn hidup awak yg penuh masalah tu .
Don't ever try to find me whenever u facing probs .
I mean it !!

u make me cry .. so many times .. i hate u !!
Go away !!

i wish there is someone who could make me happy .
please .
i just wana be happy .

( - _ - )

Sunday, November 20, 2011

aKu sUka Dia.. :)

ni lagu Ainan Tasneem la .. : )

Aku lihat dia di sana
Aku ingin mendekatinya
Aku cuba menghampirinya
Lalu aku menyapa dia

Dia pun membuka bicara
Dan aku mulai mengenalnya
Kita mulai bermain mata
Mula timbul rasa bahagia

Bila dia, mendekati diriku,
Hatiku rasa sesuatu
Bila dia, senyum pada diriku
Hatiku rasa tak menentu

Kekadang hati ku bertanya
Adakah dia dah berpunya
Kerana diriku berasa
Aku jatuh hati padanya

Aku ingin memilikinya
Aku ingin menjaga dia
Aku ingin mencinta dia
Aku ingin hidup dengannya

Bila dia, mendekati diriku,
Hatiku rasa sesuatu
Bila dia, senyum pada diriku
Hatiku rasa tak menentu

Mungkinkah aku, kan berjumpa dengannya
Untuk meluahkan rasa
Mungkinkah aku, kan berdiam diri saja
Menunggu cinta darinya

Ku terima satu nota..darimu..
Yang tertulis ‘Aku suka kamu’

Bila dia, mendekati diriku,
Hatiku rasa sesuatu
Bila dia, senyum pada diriku
Hatiku rasa tak menentu

Akhirnya kini, ku kan mampu ceria
Diriku sangat gembira
Akhirnya kini, aku mulai bahagia,
Menerima cinta darinya.. Aku suka dia…

coming soon

coming soon ?? Wah .. da macam cerita kat wayang la pulak .
hahaha ...

nothing much , nothing less , neither long nor short ,
waiting for the next new semester .
coming soonnnn ...
he'll coming .

yeayyy !!! hehe. Miss him so much .

sapa dia ni ?? comel kan ..
comel kan kami ?? haha .. pasan je. Tapi kebenaran okae . ^ _ ^

Dear la .. Dia ni adik angkat saya dari melaka la. hehehe!!
Dia amek fast track nanti. :D
Coming soon ..
Tak sabar nak tunggu . : )

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

rezeki aku .. :)

Semalam, 14/11/2011 ..
Ada selection futsal FSKM untuk SAF ..

I'm not hoping too high to get selected. But, rezeki ..
I was selected for futsal .
Alhamdulillah .. ^ _ ^

It was raining yesterday..kitorang pon main redah je hujan2 tu.
Main la jugak futsal dalam hujan.
Ha'ah kan, sonok giler main dalam hujan.
Pastu, sbb kan court yg basah n air bertakung .... mmg sedap r!
Banyak kali aku jatuh accident .
Ceyh !

Anyway, best !! :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

ouch .. hepy ouh !

saya gembira sangat. hahaha ..

bahagia la kot. hahaha ..

sebab ape? sebab dia still ingat kat saya .. i thought he forgot me.
hehe .. he's busy lately, but when he contact me lately, ouhhh!
that's sweet ....... =D

Mesti korang nak tahu sape kan...kan???!!!

DIA IALAH MY MR. UK.. A.K.A MR. OVERSEA. Don't be jealous ! :D

i'm happy .. fullstop .. !!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

kembalinya aku..

hey there.. ! i'm back again .. ! haha .. how's ur raya korban? Haa..mesti berkorban diet dgn makan sebape byk yg mungkin.. muahahaha!

Ok, let's begin ..

See, i told to myself before the cuti raya, " i need rest .. i need a break .. i need a well sleep .. i need peaceful .. then, i know she will come back .. "

" who is she ?? do we know her ?? "

ouh .. NO !! only me know her well.
She is the person that i respect most ! (tabik spring la wa ckp sama lu) hahaha ..

where had she been all this time??
why she left me since the beginning of my degree?? ouh. siot !

" really ? why ? then what happen to u ? "

haaa .. my life was misery along the time she left me. I don't know .. i'm not myself ..
i couldn't focus, i couldn't reach the best of me, i fall down badly .. hm

" that's bad enough .. "

Ya .. of course ! Haha ..
But, like i told myself before, yess ... she's back !! Ouh . Grateful . I really2 need her .
Yeay, i'm happy .. tak terkata mak . Ngee ~~

" ouh .. that's great ! hehe .. "

she is the strongest girl ..
she is the most powerful girl ..
she is the most happy-go-lucky girl ..
she can makes others laugh , happy , enjoy ..
she know how to manage all the things or matters well enough ..
especially when it comes bout heart & feeling , she's the best !
sgt tabah , sgt penyabar , sgt coooolllll ... haha !! Strong minded she have. =)

" wow .. who is she ?? we really2 wana know .. "

ape la korang ni. hehe ! relax la .. nak kasi tau la nie haaaa ..

She is the actually me .. The real of myself .. The old me .. That's me ..
selama aku dekat shah alam tu, itu bukan aku yg sebenarnya .
now baru aku dapat diri aku yg sebetulnya .

yesss!!! hahahaha ....
okae .. sekian .. adios ! muahx2 !!

( i could be bad .. watch out then .. nice with me, i'll be nice with u ..
u give me shit, i give u hell .. )

Saturday, November 5, 2011

short wish




Friday, November 4, 2011

sakit la..

saya sakit la..
awak tahu ke tidak??!!!!

sakit & sakit & sakit

awak tak nampak pon kan. kenapa? sebab saya taknak tunjuk.
nanti awak risau.

sakit yang takde ubat.
awak je buleh ubatkan.
paham x?!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

pain killer..versi ayat!

tiap kali sakit je, nak kena amek ubat. Asik2 ubat je...lama2 mati sbbkn ubat terlebey dlm badan.

but this time,
i don't need those medicines to cure my heart.
i don't need the pills, syrups, injections or whatsoever.

"only a bit of wisdom quote..
encouraging words.."

as example, one of my friend had post these words on her FB.
so, i take these as the cure for my heart.

plus with the quote down here.
Ya, in the end..the best action can be taken is.......
A SMILE !!!!

u know what, i'm grateful even though i got this kind of condition that happen to me.
because i know Allah is love me more..
by this, Allah always remind me to always remember Him..
not forgetting Him..

So, i'm strong..inside..have to! Don't show the weakness of urself plss.

Monday, October 31, 2011

mana fokus??!

okae.. ni pulak pasal bila da X BULEH NAK FOCUS DLM KELAS

whenever my focus is disappear thru out the wind n time, (wah2..)
only these 2 types of disturbance that i will make. haha!!


1st category : DRAWINGGGZZZZZ.....!
yess, of coz i do like n love drawing.
inilah jadi nyer bila kebosanan + kengantukan melanda diri ini.
ade plak seseorang ni tegur i, "eh, awak ni silap masok kelas nieh.." hehe.
sbb xdpt art&design la jadi camni.

2nd category : SNAPP2..SNAPPING.!!
hehe...standard r tu. mmg inilah keje i yg jahat bila in class. (Ya Allah)
my job is snap picz those who r sleeping in the class.
example is down here.. alamak! Dia lagi..
SITI SURINA AR + budak part 1 (guy yg bju hitam bwh pic sue). aiyaaakkk

tapi gambar atas ni memang suka INTERFRAME..
leh pecah lensa kamera i taw. hahaha!!

ok nytez!

hari ini..pagi ini.

Hello there..ok i'm back.
It is 2.22 a.m in the morning, but i'm not sleeping yet.
Why???? Nak taw ker??? Alaaa..

As usual..korang tengok jela picsa2 yg hado kt dalam ni.
Dengan gigih menyiapkan draft outline for BEL422 a.k.a REPORT WRITING.
gigih x saya? muahahaha..
with book, notepad, course outline, pencil & glasses. Ceyh, bajet student rajin.
"eeeeeeee...giler perasan. haha!"

in the process of completing the task, apo lagi.....
actually r kan, dgn b'bekalkan nasi goreng cina ni, lebihan dr mkn petang.
sbb nasi dia byk giler..
beli kt kedai "5 MINIT"..(hasil idea oleh Siti Surina Ar) ngee~

dan seterusnya, b'bekalkan dengan pencuci mulut iaitu "JAMBU AIR"..
hasil pemberian ikhlas dr r00mate tersayang..haha!
siyez sedap! manis! perghhh. :D
of coz meng-complete-kan MAKAN TIME saya. hehe!

Who wana see the conclusion of the condition?
TENGOK LA WEYH! penat aku snap.. haha. (giler garang) =P
ini lah keadaan meja study ku yg bersepah.
"macam2 adaaaaa.." (credit to Astro) hehehehe!

okae... itu sahaja yg saya nak tunjuk.
cut..cut..! off light n camera plsss..
(konon dlm set shooting drama) =P

selamat pagi u allzzz...selamat pagi cinta! (xde kena mngena)
