Everyone have their own wishes. Ya, same with me. If they can have it, me too!! Haha.
(ape ko mepek ni weyh!!!!)
Okae2..back 2 my original point. "Saya Punya Idaman". (ntah ape2 la tajuk. terabur!)
If i have extra money, i would love to have these things below here. Of course u know it with the 1st sight. Hehehe.. What is it???
Yesssss, "iPAD 2"

Ouhh...sweet. Nice! Beautiful! Expensive! Ergh! hehe.. Nicer color is white. OMG!
I wish i could have one of these Apple iPad 2.. Either black or white.
(mimpi la kau erma oii...mahal 2..)
"Di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada highway......" hahaha. Xde kena mengena langsung.
I.allah..kalau usaha, u can have it erma! :)
Ok, just now i talked about networking product. Now i wana talk about my dream car.
See down here?? The yellow and white one.

Small car, but for me its look elegant. Hehe. Cute! Superb! I suka dia..sangat2 la! =D
"ku mahu....ku mahu...."
(da aku ni kecik, sbb 2 la pilih kete kecik...kn comey. Haaaa..)

Hahahahaha...ntah ape2 la aku ni. Swift mahal gak la. If nak genap, around rm80k kot!
Yaa...bulan2 bpe ek...??? Hehe. Berangan da ni. (X salah weyh)
p/s : "Ya Allah.. Kau permudahkanlah segala urusan dan murahkan lah rezeki hidupku. Mudah-mudahan aku boleh mendapat pe yg ku idamkan. Aminnn.. =)))"
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