Assalamualaikum w.b.t..
Alhamdulillah, syukur sy ke hadrat Allah dgn limpah kurnia-Nya, berkat & rahmat-Nya, sy masih di sini dpt menghirup udara segar di muka bumi ini.
Tp da X SESEGAR DULU WEYH! Yela, negara kite ni da mcm2 jadi yg x bagus utk di wat contoh. Such as "BERSIH 2.0" tueee..
(X PATUT 2x)
Ooopsssieez! I'm going to far from my objective. haha!
So...on the 1st July 2011, i checked de result of the application on continuing my study.
ALHAMDULILLAH SGT2! Tq Allah.. ( ^ _ ^ )
Yes, dpt continue @ Uitm Shah Alam.
down here de proof.. =)

No matrix ku adoyai, x sedap nk di hafal..hehee.! Gedix r!
Tp so far, aku da hafal no matrix baru 2..haha!
What de most interesting part is MY MOM. Ouh! I juz pretend that i failed to get Uitm Shah Alam, n got Uitm Arau, Perlis.
She was so headache (konon r) thinking bout me. How i want to get there, who want to sent me there, how she want to visit me there & bla bla bla..
hehehe..noty me. As usual..juz for fun.

Haha...gmbr ats ni not la my mom.. Juz illustration saja. Wee~~
So, gmbr bwh ni juz after i told her the truth that i got Uitm Shah Alam. =))
She cried in de mood of blessful n hepy. Since she is not so healthy because of her illness b4 dis, so i have to be near with her..
Aku pon nk nangis tgk mama nangis..but kite kena be cun cool, (POYOS!) haha.

Ok la, xtaw nk kata apa dah.. Love ya!
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