Date : 5th February 2011.
Time : 3.30 pm until 6.00 pm.
Location : Alamanda Bowling Center, Putrajaya.
Hye there..i'm back again! Hehehe.. Kali ni xnk la explain pjg2..
Juz explain shortly..malas nk taip pjg2. =))
Topik kali ni seperti yg tertulis di atas tu..haaa.
So, pic bawah ni la mereka2 yg hadirkn diri pada hari tersebut..
Alamak, gambar ku tiada sbb aku amek gmbr...haha.
Ramai ke??? Sbnrnyer ade ajk yg laen2,
tp bcoz of ade hal..xdpt la den nk tlg.

2nd pic : Erma Aida Juhari..
haaa, that's me.. xknl lagi?? hehe..
I'm the MASTERMIND of this event. *ngeee*
( ^ _ ^ )

3rd pic : Kak Syabie Ranie (mama qaseh).. weee!
ini ialah spupu sy pny wife..haa.
She is the one who manage the place, reserved the place for us..
TQ so MUCH kak bie!!
muahx2!!! =D

4th & 5th picz kt bawah nie....adalah score bowling utk 2 games.
Org2 nyer ialah aku, kak bie, abg chaca, kak moi,
abg bob, abg edan, kak fida, kak anje,
kak kaya, kak long & abg amy..!
"giler kelakar maen dgn dorg"
hehe.. ;)

6th, 7th & 9th picz kt bawah ni......
al-kisahnyer, after tired2 la maen bowling an, sume g lepak2 kt fudcourt..
ade yg g jln2 tgk brg..
ade yg makan...
Amek gambar dgn singa CNY pon ader...
"termasok aku"
hahahahaha....sengal je. =D

The conclusion : I'm glad, very happy because can having such an experience n moment with my big family.. SOOOOOO enjoy! SOOOOO interesting! SOOOOO good!
BEST giler la..haa. So, thnx 2 all who attend this event.. Next time kite wat lagi.
Love u all... ( ^ ^ , )
sedih.. xdpt nak itot!