helloo, hello, hellooo..so long i'd abandoned my bloggiee..hehe! now i'm back again..hehe!
routine everyday : waitin' fer msg' from smeone..bt, of coz there's no one..haha!
in BORED mode, at de same tyme msg'in wit BUDAK SEPET a.k.a C KURUS a.k.a NGEK NGOK..
haaa, ade lagi..a.k.a ORG GILER a.k.a 'F' bkn nme sbnr.. =p
tired dok lyn kerenah org gler 2..haha!! opss, jgn marah derrr..
while on9'ing, lonely in a big room, (big la sgt kn..haha),
tetiba heard a sound....."meow, meow, meowww.."
wut?? cat?? tgh2 mlm buta ade lak cat an...SCARY jer.
den, it sound again.."meow, meow, meow..."
walk 2 de door, n opened it..yes!! there it is..A CAT, CUTE YELLOW+ORANGE CAT..
i tell cha, so CLEAN..!when i opened de door, wah2..cat 2 tros msok WITHOUT CHECK IN at counter ye..haha!

dis is de cat..haa, cute isn't?? hahaha..
mlm2 leh plak nk dtg bilik me without check in plak.. =)
hee, well its ok, nvr mind la..while i'm boring2 an, lyn la c comeyl nie..
MANJA GLER cat nie..hehe! lurf it..
routine everyday : waitin' fer msg' from smeone..bt, of coz there's no one..haha!
in BORED mode, at de same tyme msg'in wit BUDAK SEPET a.k.a C KURUS a.k.a NGEK NGOK..
haaa, ade lagi..a.k.a ORG GILER a.k.a 'F' bkn nme sbnr.. =p
tired dok lyn kerenah org gler 2..haha!! opss, jgn marah derrr..
while on9'ing, lonely in a big room, (big la sgt kn..haha),
tetiba heard a sound....."meow, meow, meowww.."
wut?? cat?? tgh2 mlm buta ade lak cat an...SCARY jer.
den, it sound again.."meow, meow, meow..."
walk 2 de door, n opened it..yes!! there it is..A CAT, CUTE YELLOW+ORANGE CAT..
i tell cha, so CLEAN..!when i opened de door, wah2..cat 2 tros msok WITHOUT CHECK IN at counter ye..haha!
dis is de cat..haa, cute isn't?? hahaha..
mlm2 leh plak nk dtg bilik me without check in plak.. =)
hee, well its ok, nvr mind la..while i'm boring2 an, lyn la c comeyl nie..
MANJA GLER cat nie..hehe! lurf it..
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