emmm..xla sonok sgt cter yg aku nk cter. Tp, leh r gak msok dlm diari hdp aku..hehehee!! Cter nye blaku smlm. Las nite, my levelmate n i were went 2 de cafe 2 buy sme fud cz we all very de hungry seyhhh...! Around 8.15 we arrived there.. O.M.G..!!! Damn it, there is so many creature named human there..haaa! Juz like we were in de "pasar mlm"..so packed, bt not so packed, bt hard 2 breath in..hehehe! After ordered de fud, we sitting n talking n watching de bhaviour of uitm stdnts.. After 45 min, u noe wut, our fud was not prepared yet!!! GLER R! MCM APE JER TGGU KT C2 LME2.. tggu pny tggu pny tggu, NAAAHHH...now bru nk ciap fud nyer..cisss! Pas2, order dia wat slh lak 2...owg minx kuey teow, dia bg mihun...??? aiyyyooo... da la tgh sesas2, aku kne pijak kaki dgn sowg abg senior nie...ADOIII! tp xpela an..haha.. konon2 nk byr la fud nie, tba2...JENG3X.. tomyam yg kitowg order jatuh n pecah...ARGHHH! sumer tgk jer.. so shamed okae..! hehe.. everyone juz like stared at dat kind of 'wasted' fud, n say..."oowwww...ahhhhh..." hehehe! wut 2 do, den de senior dat stepped on my foot was said, "xpe yer, sbr ye..rileks, xde paper.." at de same time, he was smiling n a bit laughing..huuu! da la laki2 ramai, bkumpul kt c2, mne x malu..hesh! nvr mind, it juz an incident dat not too bad.. Juz a bit shamed..hahahahaha!! so, pas p.cik 2 da tukar menu kitowg, byr, den blk la.. Abg senior td 2 plak, aku nk blk, dia kata "sori ek tpijak kaki td.." i juz smiled n say its okae.. den, gudbye..
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